Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Where are the sanctions for Saudi Arabia?

If you've watched the news at all in the last week that you've no doubt heard about the situation in Iran. You've also probably heard that conservatives are criticizing President Obama for not using stronger rhetoric against Iran. John McCain even called for tougher sanctions against Iran for the human rights violations that have occurred during the post-election protest. Well, it is true that the Iranian crackdown is inhumane and an affront to democracy. But don't we have diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia? And dont they have one of the worst human rights records in the world?

So, we should cut off diplomatic ties with the Saudis and impose some tough sanctions until they give their people more freedom, right?

No, that would be stupid. Saudi Arabia is an important strategic ally in the region, and maintaining good relations with them is important to American interests in the region. You know, sort of how being able to negotiate with Iran about state-sponsored terrorism and nuclear weapons might also be important?

It's espescially interesting that John McCain, who constantly criticized Obama as being all rhetoric and no substance during the campaign, is now criticizing the President for not using enough unsubstantiated rhetoric.

In other news, I found a new way to waste a few hours of your life.

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